Established in 1935, the Pack Horse Library Project provided reading materials to rural portions of Eastern Kentucky with no access to larger metropolitan centers with public library facilities. Librarians riding horses or mules traveled 50 to 80 miles a week up rocky creek beds, along muddy footpaths, and among cliffs to deliver reading materials to the most remote residences and schools in the Appalachian mountains. Some homes were so remote that the 'book women' often had to go part of the way on foot - or even in a row boat.
Materials used by the Pack Horse Libraries were stored in small rooms usually located in the county seat. Collections consisted mostly of damaged books and magazines that larger libraries no longer wished to circulate, as well as out-of-date textbooks once used by schools or churches. (The W.P.A. only funded salaries, not funds for collection development.)
When demand for materials exceeded the supply, scrapbooks of magazine clippings, anecdotes, local recipes, and newspaper clippings were made by the librarians as additional resources. These became very popular in the region, enough so that patrons began making scrapbooks of their own recipes, family history, sewing patterns and child-rearing advice for circulation throughout the community by the Pack Horse Librarians.
By 1936, handmade and donated materials could not sustain the circulation needs of the pack horse patrons. Surveys of readers found that pack horse patrons could not get enough of books about travel, adventure and religion, and detective and romance magazines. Children's picture books were also popular not only with young residents but also parents who were frequently illiterate. Approximately 800 books had to be shared among five to ten thousand patrons.
To help overcome the shortage, Lena Nofcier, Chairman of Library Service for the Kentucky PTA, began the Penny Fund Plan which called on every PTA member in the state to contribute one penny toward the purchase of new books. Ms Nofcier also petitioned the help of boy scout troops, Sunday-school classes, private organizations/clubs and children's school groups to locate or donate books for the Pack Horse Libraries. Through her efforts, existing pack horse collections not only grew but eight new Pack Horse Libraries were also established.
Despite the ongoing shortage of materials, the Pack Horse Library Project was considered very successful, and one of the most unusual library services ever offered in the country. During its height, the program boasted 30 libraries serving close to 100,000 Eastern Kentucky Appalachian residents. Interest in ideas outside the realm of Appalachia, an appreciation for education, and an introduction to global cultures were fostered by this program in an area where one-room schoolhouses and churches were the only means of learning.
Pack Horse Libraries came to an end in 1943 when the W.P.A. withdrew its funding from the project. Consequently, many of the areas served were left with no library service whatsoever. Some effort was made to retain the existing collections being made available in county courthouses. However, the delivery service needed for isolated communities was no longer available leaving some communities without access to books for decades until bookmobiles were introduced to the area in the late 1950s.
Many of these very rural, small communities have extremely limited library services - or none at all - to this day. It is for this reason that 'The Settlement Library Project' was first devised and 'Fotched-On' Librarian created as an original, unique and modern version of the Pack Horse Librarian to address library services, programs, and community informational and organizational deficits within this region.
Thanks to: Dave Tabler located at http://appalachianhistory.blogspot.com/2007/12/pack-horse-librarians.html