Did you know that the cumulative effects of chronic occupational stress are contagious?
The consequences of workplace stress may result in emotional exhaustion that is rarely confined to one worker. Burnout, or prolonged exposure to stress, often drains the vitality and enthusiasm of an employee leading to less engagement and productivity. It increases
- turnover rates
- absenteeism
- decreased performance
- workplace accidents
- poor customer service
- and sometimes even predisposes litigation
It also threatens the integrity and professionalism of an individual.
Here is a report about this prevalent issue in librarianship. This research determines
- the causes and effects of this problem
- explores suggested solutions noted in recent studies
- and offers recommendations involving administrative and personal techniques to prevent the escalation of this issue within the profession
Brought to you by The Settlement Library Project:
Serving People, Broadening Perspectives, and Sharing Resources in Libraries.
Available on Slideshare.net
The Settlement Library Project Presents: A Passion Deficit: Occupational Burnout and the New Librarian: A Recommendation Report from The Settlement Library Project
Publication:The Southeastern Library Association (SELA)
The Southeastern Librarian (SELn)
Volume 62, Number 4 (Winter 2015)
Image: Infographic from careercast.com