When it comes to finding direction for rural or small libraries, there can be no doubt that imagination and innovation will be required to overcome the traditional source pool of the past. Financial challenges will always be an issue for libraries regardless of state or federal opportunities and easy access to the Web. Proving value and making library services essential to a community or organization are first steps beyond the operating budget of a parent organization or source. Because there is no such thing as a constant anymore, encouraging a feeling of contribution and excitement in the giver is the goal which makes “digging deeper” into the pockets of outside sources less intimidating. It’s the difference between navigating the library road, or taking a wrong turn.
For almost any library segment nontraditional support is probably the main support. Fund raising activities involving the community or organization both physically and emotionally create informed reality-based movers and shakers ready and able to meet initiatives and continuing financial needs. Just as volunteer fire fighter, ambulance squad, and police department’s sponsor annual programs, events and ticket sales to support their public service, so it must become when securing additional monies for a rural or small library. According to the true definition of “patron,” individuals or particular businesses/institutions/foundations should be called upon, convinced, and encouraged to lend practical and financial support to the library. This might include personal benefactors or organizational philanthropy.
The goal is to build a civic group of multiple stakeholders interested and committed to reinforcing and rewarding library values, service, access and intellectual freedom.
Your direction should be to prove out that the library can be the glue holding the community (or organization) together: a very vital and necessary link in the chain.
In the far reaching scope of acquiring funds, library staff should be called upon to contribute personal time and energy into capital campaigns in a broader marketing objective. Marketing specialized library services is a cooperative action challenging each member to assume leadership in some capacity according to their personal skills.
The goal is for the Friends Group and library board to work alongside staff and library volunteers in contacting and gaining support from community “influential’s,” and to rub elbows with the masses - becoming a familiar face within the community – to promote a helpful and friendly feeling of, “This library belongs to all of us.”
Your direction should be to maximize exposure and develop strategies to motivate assistance.
The direction for any rural or small library should be toward a relationship with the segment to be served. The library should be an external force breathing life and longevity into the community or organization. Once a relationship is secured - and value is proven by an emotional connection - support will naturally flow from varied sources. Giving to the furtherance of the library will become just as essential as giving to the fire squad or police department: the targeted segment will feel the necessity of library services and programs.
It is this relationship which secures the rural or small library’s path on the library road, and extends the new vision for the new librarian.
Image: www.davincis.org/Traditional%20.htm