Book Review - Timeless for Marketing in any Field
All Business is Show Business: Strategies for Earning Standing Ovations From Your Customers and Employees by Scott McKain
Starred Review. Every day your library organization is in the spotlight. Your staff is performing and your supporters and customers will either love the show, hate the show, or worst of all, ignore the show. Scott McKain has discovered what film, television, and music industries have known for years:
To be successful, you must create an emotional link with your customers!
The traditional focus of the public library has revolved around passive free services complacent to changing times. This has buried the foundational and irreplaceable role of the library and its champion, the librarian, in the public eye. The business strategy of the public library has been that of economic principles to the point of poverty. To survive the advent of the internet and the push into the future, the library must now revolve around emotional principles as well as information literacy.
The challenge to the informational professional is clear in this entertainment age: create an information environment that ensures customer access to intelligence, and assures a positive emotional connection that will satisfy and gratify. Mr. McKain defines the purpose of any business: profitably create emotional connections that are so satisfying to customers and employees that loyalty is assured. Customers want to know that business, including that of the public library, has the ability to provide what they need in the way they need it.
Mr. McKain defines seven performance “abilities” which encompass these ideas:
1. Access-ability
2. Approach-ability
3. Rely-ability
4. Customize-ability
5. Upgrade-ability/Dispose-ability
6. Enjoy-ability
7. Remark-ability
Mr. McKain discusses the importance of learning what your customers think and feel about your services; “word of mouth” advertising; establishing a short, attention grabbing High Concept Statement; the power of the “story;” and the changing impact of time and emotions on business. A must read for any library professional struggling with indifference from the board and the public: a first lesson in communicating the value of the library to customers; library worth and irreplaceability to the community; a strategy ensuring adequate resources, and the effective use of marketing and advocacy.
“No matter what your business,” says Scott McKain, “you are always on stage. Make your performance one that leaves your customers with a feeling of Wow!”
At 215 pages, All Business Is Show Business will help you to create the ultimate customer experience in order to differentiate your organization, amaze your customers, and expand your profitability and value. An essential.
Title: All Business Is Show Business
Edition: Hardcover – each book personally signed
Author: McKain, Scott
Imprint: Nashville, Tenn.: Rutledge Hill, c2002.
Description: viii, 215p.; 24cm.
Subject: Organizational effectiveness.
Subject: Consumer behavior.
Subject: Marketing – Psychological aspects.
Subject: Success.
Adult Non-Fiction
659.2 McK 2002 02/04